Chairperson: Mr B Chamberlain (Junior Vice-President), Deputy Chairperson: Mr C Miller-Brown
Committee: C Beaton, A Rogers (President), Bryce Murray (Vice-President), J Hoban, G Sidey, C Drummond
Past Presidents: R H Lemon, R G B Reid, I D Stevenson
Co-opted Committee: A Cox, C Dunnett, T Fleetwood, M Stevenson, S Eddington, P Gardner, S Sinclair, G Sidey, G Burgess, plus Breed Captains: D Palmer (Merino & Halfbred), D Sidey (Corriedale), G Letham (Romney), I Evans (Perendale), B Butterick (Hampshire), P Williams (Southdown), S Ellis (Dorset Down), W Boon (Poll Dorset), K Boyd (Texel), M Copland (Border Leicester), J Winter (Black and Coloured Sheep), T Burrows (Corriedale, Shropshire & NZ Young Judges Convenor), M Cowan (Valais Blacknose) J Gardiner (Suffolk), Brian Brice (South Suffolk)
To be read in conjunction with General Conditions of the Canterbury A&P Association. ENTRIES CLOSE: 2 OCTOBER 2023
MEMBERSHIP SUBSCRIPTIONS (GST included): Family $180, Individual $90, Junior FREE
PLEASE NOTE: All sections will be penned in Breeder Groups, and sheep judged in judging rings. It will be the Exhibitor's responsibility to have sufficient handlers and to present their sheep for judging in the judging rings. The Committee will not be held responsible for any sheep not presented at the scheduled time for judging. Exhibitors are asked to ensure that judging times as stated in the Catalogue, or posted at the Sheep Office, are noted.
The Association gratefully acknowledges the generous support of all our sponsors. Essential Nutrition sponsor the "Miss Canterbury" Shorn Ewe Hogget classes penned in the Middle Pavilion and offer product vouchers as prizes, including an overall award. PGG Wrightson Ltd supply neck ties for all sheep.
Entry Fees: Members $25, Non-members $35 (GST included) which INCLUDES the pen fee.
Extra Pen Fees: $10 per animal. Ewe with lamb(s) at foot is classed as one animal. Greenfeed provided free of charge.
S.1: All Sheep must be penned by 8.00am Wednesday. For sheep arriving Tuesday, sheep must be penned by 10.00pm as gates will be locked at 11.00pm for security reasons. NO LATE PENNING OF SHEEP will be tolerated unless prior arrangement has been made. LATECOMERS WILL BE REFUSED ENTRY. All sheep to remain penned until after 6.00pm Friday unless consent of the Sheep Section Chairman is given or exhibitors otherwise advised.
S.2: All sheep must be entered in the name of bona fide owner or owners and the original breeder's name must be stated where there has been a change of ownership of a registered flock of the same breed as the sheep being entered, and must be from registered flocks. FLOCK NUMBER to be stated on entry form.
S.3: BRUCELLOSIS - All sheep entered in the Show must be from a flock currently accredited Brucellosis free. Entries will be accepted from ABF breeders with status being confirmed by Breed Societies.
Brucellosis Certificates must accompany entries. Entries not meeting accreditation will not be accepted, and will be returned by post.
S.4: No exhibit entered in the Sheep Classes will be allowed on the ground if infested with external parasites or suffering from footrot.
S.5: In Purebred Classes for Ewes with Lamb at Foot, the Lamb must belong to the ewe and be of the same breed.
S.6: If requested by the Association an exhibitor must furnish a declaration that the sheep exhibited are eligible by reason of age, to compete in the class for which they are entered.
S.7: Sheep in the Breeding Classes must be unshorn (except those entered in the shorn classes). Sheep are preferred in natural condition.
S.8: Sheep must be exhibited in the class entered - NO changes can be made.
S.9: No signs placed in the Sheep Section may exceed the height of 1.4m from the ground, maximum of one sign per Stud. To be strictly adhered to.
S.9A: All entries in the Essential Nutrition Miss Canterbury class must be penned in the Essential Nutrition Area, no exceptions.
For all sheep other than Merinos and Corriedales who have their own shearing conditions specified under section conditions.
Rams and Ewes Full wool - all Rams and Ewes exhibited in woolly classes must have been machine shorn on or after 1st November in the year preceeding the show.
Shorn Wool Breeds Rams and Ewes all ages - all Sheep must have been machine shorn on or after 20th July in the year of the show.
Shorn Meat Breed Rams and Ewes all ages - all sheep must have been machine shorn on or after 1st September in the year of the Show.
Black and Coloured Sheep shearing date on or before 20 May.
S.11: Sheep exhibited in shorn classes are to be machine-shorn evenly.
S.12: Exhibitors of all shorn sheep must furnish evidence of date of shearing if required.
Refer to NZ Sheep Breeders' Association Flock Book, and as detailed per section and class.
S.13: AWARD OF CHAMPIONSHIPS. Champion and Reserve Champion will be selected as follows:
First Prize winners in all eligible classes to be paraded before the judge. Immediately the Champion has been selected the Second Prize animal in the class from which the Champion has been selected shall parade with the others for Reserve Champion. NOTE: Hoggets are now eligible for championship judging unless otherwise stated.
No distinguishing mark of ownership or stud name, with the exception of earmarks, tattoos, eartags and registered brands, may be attached to the animal exhibited.
S.14: Champion and Reserve Champion ribbons will be awarded to Best Ram and Best Ewe in all recognised breeds. Championship ribbons will be awarded to animals in sections where the owner is the only exhibitor providing that the judge certifies to particular merit.
SUPREME CHAMPION Sheep of each breed will be awarded a prize card and ribbon. PRIZES
All Prize Money will be paid by direct credit following the NZ Agricultural Show. Sponsorship is subject to confirmation and will be paid in lieu of Association's prize money. Product Vouchers offered as prizes will be in lieu of Association's prize money.
Sheep Prize Money will be scaled as follows:
1 entry 1st $20
2 entries 1st, 2nd $20, $15
3 entries 1st, 2nd $24, $16
4 entries + 1st, 2nd, 3rd $28, $20, $16
Note that by entering into this confirmation we take this as acceptance that you understand that any prize money paid by CAPA to you, may depending on the amount and your individual circumstances, be regarded as income by the Inland Revenue in New Zealand and therefore subject to the payment of income tax. It is your responsibility to take independent advice on this and to make such payment where required. CAPA accepts no responsibility for the payment of any income tax obligations that may or may not arise from the payment of any such prize money to you.
S.15: Extra stock not admissible under any of the enumerated Classes may, at the discretion of the Committee, be exhibited by paying the usual entrance fee. Honorary Certificates may be awarded. Any other breed for display should apply for exhibition trade space.
CORRIEDALE SHEARING CONDITIONS: Exhibitors to refer to NZSBA Flock Book (NB. These conditions do NOT apply to Ewe Hogget Feature Class.) All Corriedale sheep must be machine shorn. Mature Ram, Ewe and Ewe Hogget shorn classes on or after 1st May; Rams under 18 months shorn classes on or after 20th July. Natural Condition: for all Corriedale classes, sheep are to be left uncovered prior to the Show; sheep may be housed for a week prior to the Show.
Elanco sponsor product for 1st-6th